Y-Säätiö Optimizes Underfloor Heating in Bathrooms in a Centralized Manner and Saves Money

Property companies

Themo Energy Saving Service is now used to control underfloor heating in six rental properties owned by Y-Säätiö. Controlling the underfloor heating in the whole building remotely rationalizes the consumption of energy and contributes to reduced maintenance and service costs for the property. 

The energy efficiency of its properties is important to Y-Säätiö, as this allows it to provide reasonably priced rental accommodation in line with the objectives of the foundation. Optimization of electric underfloor heating reduces electricity costs at the properties, and remote control eliminates risks to bathroom structures caused by excessive or insufficient heating. 

No More Excessive or Insufficient Heating 

Perttu Miettinen, Building Services Engineer at Y-Säätiö, says that the optimization of underfloor heating was first piloted at a rental property in Kilterinrinne, Vantaa. Themo Smart Thermostats were installed in the bathrooms in December 2021, and the very first months demonstrated that the service was effective.

“As the owner of a property, it is important for us to ensure that underfloor heating is activated and set to a temperature that is sufficient for both the structures and living comfort, but not excessive. We also do not want to waste electricity. We are now saving significantly more money than what we pay for the service.”

Perttu Miettinen, Building Services Engineer at Y-Säätiö




The pilot made it clear that there was substantial variation in the use of underfloor heating. When the residents were able to adjust the temperature, some set it unnecessarily high. On the other hand, some residents had switched underfloor heating completely off in the belief that this would reduce their electricity bills.

Themo Energy Saving Service requires no investment and allows you to ensure that

  • The person in charge of the property can monitor and control the underfloor heating in each apartment remotely in a centralized manner
  • Underfloor heating is optimized based on the specified target temperature and actual requirements (room-specifically as well)
  • Less money is spent on electricity than is paid for the service

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Y-Säätiö Now Optimizes Underfloor Heating in Various Municipalities

After the pilot project, Y-Säätiö began to examine which other properties the Themo Energy Saving Service could be used in to control and optimize heating. In the autumn of 2022, Themo Smart Thermostats were installed in four rental properties in Espoo, Tampere, and Nokia, and in April 2023 in one property in Helsinki.

Y-Säätiö has now installed a total of 337 Themo Smart Thermostat at six different properties. An energy survey conducted at the beginning of March 2023 was used to verify savings and to identify possible properties where expectations were not being met. This allows Y-Säätiö to address and respond to any discrepancies easily. The results of Y-Säätiö's energy survey were as expected, with some minor adjustments required to the configuration at a single property.

“The service was easy to introduce, as Themo also provided information to the residents during the installation process. The combined savings from all properties have been great; so far, we are saving an average of €7 per Themo each month.”

Perttu Miettinen, Building Services Engineer at Y-Säätiö



Perfect Fit for Rental Property Businesses

Electric underfloor heating in the bathrooms is a common feature in property companies constructed between the 1990s and the 2010s. A proportion of Y-Säätiö's rental properties fit this description. The Themo Energy Saving Service is perfect for properties where underfloor heating is comprised in the real estate electricity. The service can also be introduced to buildings where electric underfloor heating is added during renovations.

“The Themo Energy Saving Service is a perfect fit for rental property businesses. The service makes it possible to precisely monitor underfloor heating and to control it intelligently, while also saving energy. And you have access to a dedicated contact person whenever necessary – I could not be happier.”

Perttu Miettinen, Building Services Engineer at Y-Säätiö

Targeting Emission-free Properties by 2035

Y-Säätiö has joined the Energy Efficiency Agreement for the Property Sector and set a bold objective of becoming emission-free by the year 2035 at the latest. The foundation owns more than 18 500 apartments in nearly 60 municipalities, which means that its energy savings and emission reductions are significant on the national level as well.

Themo Energy Saving Service is one of the many tools Y-Säätiö is using to improve the energy efficiency of its properties and to reduce emissions. The service reduces the consumption of electricity and controls the operation of heaters as effectively as possible. At the same time, it contributes to improved grid balancing and maximization of the production of electricity based on renewable energy. 

Ask how the Themo Energy Saving Service can help your rental property business save on underfloor heating costs!

References and articles

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