Reduce the Consumption of Electricity for Heating in Your Property Company

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Stop heating floors unnecessarily and save money!

Themo Energy Saving Service is the most effective tool on the market for property and housing companies to reduce the consumption of electricity for heating. Smart optimization of electricity consumption in bathrooms and other areas with underfloor heating saves up to 50% on energy, reduces the carbon footprint, and simplifies the technical maintenance of properties.

Assess your potential savings by requesting an energy savings calculation! 

We will carry out the calculation free of charge based on the information you provide and Themo's extensive property company data. Requesting a free calculation does not obligate you in any way.

Our data shows that, for example, a housing company comprising 56 apartments with 90 thermostats controlling underfloor heating could reduce the electricity consumption of the entire property by 15–22 %.
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Savings Will Always Exceed the Expenses

Themo Energy Saving Service is cash-flow positive: it requires no investment from property or housing companies. The fixed monthly price covers the installation of Themo Smart Thermostats, maintenance, monitoring, and access to a customer portal that can be used to monitor and control the heating remotely.

In our customer agreements, we undertake to ensure that the savings achieved by our customers exceed the cost of using the system. Where necessary, these savings can be verified through a free pilot period.

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Assess your potential savings by requesting an energy savings calculation!

We will carry out the calculation free of charge based on the information you provide and Themo's extensive property company data. Requesting a free calculation does not obligate you in any way.

Our data shows that, for example, a housing company comprising 56 apartments with 90 thermostats controlling underfloor heating could reduce the electricity consumption of the entire property by 15–22 %.


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Savings Will Always Exceed the Expenses

Themo Energy Saving Service is cash-flow positive: it requires no investment from property or housing companies. The fixed monthly price covers the installation of Themo Smart Thermostats, maintenance, monitoring, and access to a customer portal that can be used to monitor and control the heating remotely.

In our customer agreements, we undertake to ensure that the savings achieved by our customers exceed the cost of using the system. Where necessary, these savings can be verified through a free pilot period.


Energy-saving Solution Without Initial Investment

Direct underfloor heating comprises a significant portion of the electricity consumed by various residential properties. The Themo Energy Saving Service is based on a smart algorithm and increases the capacity of technical building systems in residential buildings managed by property companies by, among other things, enabling centralized, apartment-specific control of underfloor heating and the monitoring of usage data.

Customer stories and articles

Themo Saves Electricity in Various Property Companies:


Housing Companies

Save electricity by optimizing underfloor heating in the bathrooms.

Rental Properties

Control apartment-specific underfloor heating in a centralized manner.

Assisted Living Facilities

Optimize the use of underfloor heating without compromising residential comfort.

Hotels and Other Accommodation Facilities and Leisure Centers

Control the underfloor heating in rooms based on the utilization rate.

Themo Energy Saving Service in Brief


Substantial savings on the cost of electric heating


No investment expenses – the fixed service fee is always exceeded by the achieved savings


Considerable reduction in CO₂ emissions


Smart optimization of demand and electricity prices learns to improve savings even further


Easy remote monitoring and control of underfloor heating throughout the property


Themo is responsible for installations, incident response, and repairs under warranty

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Reduce the Carbon Footprint of the Properties You Manage

Themo Energy Saving Service reduces the carbon footprint of properties through continuous passive adjustment based on demand in the grid. This means that heating is optimized to utilize more affordable rates at times when the electricity available in the grid is also produced more ecologically. In addition, as less electricity is used than previously, emissions from the production of electricity are also reduced.

Investments that increase energy efficiency often comprises a significant initial investment, which means that the savings are only realized later. The Themo Energy Saving Service generates positive cash flow from the very first month. The all-inclusive price for property companies is just €3.90/thermostat/month.


We are proud of our customers who recognize their responsibility:

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Hear From Our Customers and Specialists

Hollolan kunta kiinteistöt
Property companies

Good experiences with energy saving services in Hollola

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Property companies

Ouman, in cooperation with Themo, brings a new flexible supply solution for the energy market to thousands of properties

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Themo – Ikaalinen Spa & Resort
Property companies

Ikaalinen Spa & Resort Saves Substantial Amounts of Electricity with the Themo Energy Saving Service

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